Another Bubblegum Crisis FAQ
This document contains SPOILERS for the series Bubblegum Crisis, AD Police Files, Bubblegum Crash, Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040, and AD Police.
- What is this FAQ about?
- Who has contributed to it?
- Where can I find the latest version?
- Why is this called "Another" BGC FAQ?
- What is "original BGC"? What is "BGC2040"?
- Who is Kenichi Sonoda?
- Where can I get episodes of BGC?
- What's the relationship between the original BGC and BGC2040?
- Are you talking about original BGC or BGC2040?
- How do you spell these names, anyway?
- Where can I find BGC fanfiction?
- Where can I find some good BGC websites?
- Are there any BGC fanclubs?
- What are the rules of the newsgroup?
- What does "DYO!" mean?
- What do these other terms mean?
- Are people in this group trying to dislike 2040?
- I just wrote a BGC fanfic! Can I post it here?
- I just drew some BGC fan art! Can I post it here?
- Someone posted something that offended me! What should I do?
- How can I avoid being mistaken for a troll?
- Where did this newsgroup come from?
- General BGC Data
- What is considered canon?
- What are these non-canon stories?
- What BGC games exist? (computer and table-top)
- What BGC CDs exist?
- What other merchandise (books, etc.) is there?
- Story Data
- Can you tell me an outline of the story?
- How do the episodes fit together?
- How was the story originally going to end?
- When did (name an event) take place?
- What is the Polar War?
- What are the Rules of the Knight Sabers?
- Character Data
- What are the Knight Sabers' birthdays/vital statistics/other background info?
- Is Sylia a Boomer?
- If Sylia's a Boomer/human/cyborg, what is Mackie?
- Are Boomers sentient lifeforms?
- How was Priss supposed to die in episode six?
- Is Priss a lesbian?
- Are Largo and Mason the same person?
- Is Quincy an Artificial Intelligence?
- What is Genom's agenda?
- Why does Genom let the Knight Sabers continue their operations?
- What is Sylia's agenda?
- Specialized terms
- What does "Bubblegum Crisis" mean?
- What does "Boomer" mean?
- What does "Genom" mean?
- Why is the band called "the Replicants"?
- Miscellaneous
- Are there any other popular culture references in BGC?
- What other roles have the BGC voice actors played?
- Can you tell me an outline of the story?
- What are the Knight Sabers' birthdays/vital statistics/other background info?
- Why were the character designs changed?
- What does "Sekiria" mean?
- What BGC2040 merchandise exists?
- Are all the episode titles taken from songs?
- Why are there fewer questions for BGC2040 than there are for classic BGC?
Legal Notes
Compilation copyright © 1999-2005 Rob Kelk. All Rights Reserved.
Text copyright © the individual authors (Rob Kelk, unless credited otherwise), and used either with permission or under "fair use" provisions of the Copyright Act.
Images copyright © AIC, and used under "fair use" provisions of the Copyright Act.

Last revised 22 February 2005