Rob Kelk's Anime Website

Hello, and welcome to my site! I've put the interesting stuff on my subpages:

Anime FAQs A collection of links to anime-related Frequently-Asked Question files (including my own Anime Acronym List and my versions of the Bubblegum Crisis FAQ, rec.arts.anime.fandom FAQ, Anime Primer, and Nekojin List).

Anime Fanfics Some stories I've written, (most) using other people's characters and settings.

Anime Meganekko A gallery of anime girls who wear glasses. (Yes, the Japanese really do have a single word for "girl who wears glasses".)

Ani-Mayhem Cards My collection of 149 homemade cards, plus hints on how to make your own cards and a list of the real Ani-Mayhem cards. (Not bad for a game that's been out of print for years, eh?)

Anime in RPGs Where to find various anime writeups for various tabletop roleplaying game systems.

Anime Links Yes, this is my entry in the "let's point to everyone else's sites" plague on the Web! Accept no substitutes!

Anime Miscellany Anything that doesn't fit neatly into the groups listed above.

What, you want to send me some e-mail? Since had announced that they're shutting down (but then didn't shut down... <sigh>), you can get in touch with me at < robkelk @ jksrv . com >, without the spaces. (Here's hoping that coding the address this way will prevent the dozens of spam messages per day I got at my last address ...)

Hosted by, the website of the Society for Ottawa Anime Promotion.

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